
Create a courageous and connected team culture.

Build a high-performing culture that drives employee engagement, innovation, collaboration, productivity, retention and growth.

Build Your Culture in Months, Not Years

Our systemic approach helps your teams establish a lasting, high-connection, high-courage culture. We will create your culture by design, so it doesn’t develop by default.

Led By Your Leaders

We equip your senior leadership and managers to use difficult Last 8% moments to establish culture, team by team.

Tailored To Your Team

We assess your organization to understand how best to create specific and concrete tools that will develop your team culture.

Backed By Science

We built this program after decades of research, and over 20 years of teaching our clients to navigate Last 8% moments. 

“Our employee retention has greatly improved, dropping from 17.5% to 11% in the past year and a half.

This translates to substantial cost savings, equalling $10 million or more, and increased productivity due to fewer turnovers.”

Paul Zurlo, CEO & President, Blue Cross of Idaho

Develop your highly courageous Last 8% Culture

Schedule a call

We’ll help you assess your team’s needs and create a plan for success.

Build your culture

Use our proven system to begin building a courageous and connected culture.


Start doing your best work as you become a psychologically safe employer of choice.

We’ve trained more than 500 leaders in IHHP’s program, and they consistently get some of the best feedback of any training we deliver. Leaders tell us it has helped them improve their relationships up, down and laterally across the organization. It’s a core framework for how to connect and engage people, how to have difficult conversations and shape team culture. It’s even more relevant today than when we started working with IHHP in 2016. IHHP’s facilitators are also top notch. They are truly experts in the content and at engaging an audience and connecting with people in the classroom or virtually.

CNA Insurance

Take your culture from high-avoidance to high-performance.

Too many teams run from difficult conversations and decisions. But a high-avoidance team can never be a high-performing team. At IHHP we have spent 25 years testing our research based tools with organizations on the front line of pressure and performance.

We understand the latest in neuroscience to help you create lasting change that powers performance. Our proprietary leadership development system helps build the key skills and culture to engage your best and brightest, so that your company culture becomes your unfair advantage – helping you attract and retain great talent.

Build a high-performing culture.

Use high-pressure moments to shape your team culture and transform your organization.