What exactly is resilience? And why is it so important when we face change, adversity or any kind of challenging...
Personal Development Articles
Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at work, and achieve your personal and career goals. Personal and professional development is at the forefront of all of IHHP’s training and learning plans ensuring you show up skillfully in every situation.
How To Solve Any Work Conflict Skillfully and Effectively
Having good relationships at work matters to you, but you are experiencing conflict with a person on your team. It’s...
How EQ Drives Psychological Safety
Cranla Warren, IHHP’s organizational psychologist and expert in Emotional Intelligence, recently had the opportunity...
DE&I: A Way of Working, Thinking, Being, and Thriving
IHHP’s Organizational Psychologist, Dr. Cranla Warren, recently sat down for an in depth conversation about diversity,...
So, You Want To Become an Ally: A Personal Perspective
So, you want to become an ally. Be aware that it will require you to suspend judgement and to get real about the...
Using the Science of Goal Setting to Build Your Best Life
Life is not easy. As we go about trying to be successful, happy, and productive, we face many challenging situations....
Pressure Solution #7 – Recall You at Your Best
Flash back to your previous successes A lack of confidence in high-pressure situations is common to many of us, so...
What We Get Wrong About Empathy and How We Grow It
There are three common misconceptions about empathy: It makes us soft, unable to make tough calls, or be a strong...
Pressure Solution #6 – Recognize That You Are Worthy
Do you recall a pressure moment in which you didn’t do as well as you hoped? That was you in the past. Today is a new...
The Brain Science of Anxiety: One Crucial Insight to Set You Free
Do you sometimes feel you’re not doing enough? That you should be doing more? Do you feel on edge, nervous, unable to...
Pressure Solution #4 – Focus on Your Mission
There is probably no easier pressure solution to use before and during a pressure moment than this: FOCUS ON YOUR...
How Emotional Intelligence Training Can Impact You
Emotional Intelligence has quickly become one of the most important skills for the decade. If you’re considering...
How to do more with less
Recently, I was at a function and ran into an old friend who runs a small business. Pleased to see a familiar face...