
Free EQ quiz

Test your Emotional Intelligence with our Free EQ Quiz

“Research from Harvard Business School demonstrated that EQ counts for twice as much as IQ and Technical Skills in determining who will be successful!”

Emotional Intelligence Quiz

Our Emotional Intelligence quiz describes situations that we all experience in our lives (like being given difficult feedback). Be as honest as possible when answering the questions as that will provide you with the most accurate assessment of your level of Emotional Intelligence. Once you have taken the quiz, you will receive your results as well as recommendations on how you can manage your emotions and connect more skillfully with others.


I do not become defensive when criticized.

I can stay calm under pressure.

I handle setbacks effectively.

I manage anxiety, stress, anger, and fear in pursuit of a goal.

I utilize criticism and other feedback for growth.

I am positive.

I maintain a sense of humor.

I try to see things from another’s perspective.

I recognize how my behavior affects others.

I air grievances skillfully.

I can listen without jumping to judgment.

I can freely admit to making a mistake.

Which of the risks listed below do you struggle with at work and find the most difficult to initiate?

In what situation do you feel the least confident to take a risk (give critical feedback, hold someone accountable, suggesting a new idea, admitting a mistake, making tough decisions)?

When you face a difficult moment, such as a hard conversation with someone, it happens when you:

Over the last year, my team has taken time to discuss and clarify how we want to work together.

I find there are different cultures on the different teams I work on.

The highest performers at work perform better under pressure.

The best leaders at work perform better under pressure.

Free EQ Quiz
Excellent EQ
Good EQ
Average EQ
Poor EQ
Very Poor EQ

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