
Build Your Culture in Months, Not Years

 The Last 8% Culture System helps your leaders build a high-performing culture that drives growth and attracts and retains the best and brightest.

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Move your culture from high-avoidance to high-performance

Your culture isn’t created by the values you put on a wall, but by how your leaders handle high-pressure moments.

Our Last 8% System is a step-by-step methodology that uses neuroscience to help you build a high-performing culture in months, not years.

What is a Last 8% Culture?

A “Last 8% Culture” is characterized by high-connection and high-courage.

It’s a high-performance culture that doesn’t shy away from inconvenient truths in order to be “nice.” Instead, the culture is built by how leaders handle the difficult moments and conversations.

How we help mobilize your teams

Culture Change System

Learn to manage the emotional brain, perform under pressure, and have effective conversations in the workplace.

Keynote Speakers

Our engaging and entertaining keynote speakers will teach you to make organizational shifts in today’s ever-changing workplace.

Thought Leadership

Drive engagement, performance, and retention as you learn from our white papers, infographics and webinars.

Last 8% Founder and New York Times Best-Selling Author

Your teams deserve a culture where they feel valued, have a voice, and feel safe to take risks and be courageous. This is at the heart of what your organization needs to achieve great things and is the message you will get from Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry.

He is a New York Times bestselling author of the book, Performing Under Pressure, and a visionary who has spent the past 25 years researching the variables that drive performance in the workplace. JP has worked with some of the top organizations in the world, including a who’s who of Fortune 100 companies, helping them transform. 

He brings something different than the usual: combining real world business experience with cutting edge ideas to help take your team and organization to the next level of performance.

On Demand & Live Events

Accountability is Love:

Building the Pillars of a Courageous Organization

Many leaders fail to hold their team members accountable, because they fear being perceived as mean or unfair, or they are worried about being ‘cast out’ of their tribe. They want to be liked. Having a tough conversation about performance issues is uncomfortable. It’s no fun to tell someone they’re not doing a good job. But ignoring the situation only makes it worse.

Register for an on demand webinar where global leadership and strategy experts, JP Pawliw-Fry and John Spence, unite to redefine accountability within the workplace. “Accountability is Love: Building the Pillars of a Courageous Organization” delved into the critical issues facing businesses today, including the dire need for more courageous communication and the profound impact of true accountability.

Last 8% Culture Webinar

Develop your highly courageous Last 8% Culture

Schedule a call

We’ll help you assess your team’s needs and create a plan for success.

Build your culture

Use our proven system to begin building a courageous and connected culture.


Start doing your best work as you become a psychologically safe employer of choice.

“Since the roll out of their Science of Emotional Intelligence training we have seen a positive impact on our business, including retention, better collaboration and improved engagement. We’ve seen relationships improve. Leaders have become more self-aware of how they impact people and are able to better connect and coach their teams. We also heard many stories of people applying the strategies in their personal lives – that’s when you know people are really engaged in learning!”

UnitedHealth Group

Build a high-performing culture.

Use high-pressure moments to shape your team culture and transform your organization.